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parent data Text name is not showing

i am using function component class. in  useEffect i am getting  JSON data  from Api After that i am defining one state and storing value in that state.when i am bindind that state data into the tree view component parent data text name is not showing. But After collapse icon child data is showing.
(note-i need to use useEffect and state).

Attachment: treeview_3f9652ae.zip

1 Reply

KR Keerthana Rajendran Syncfusion Team December 12, 2019 11:23 AM UTC

Hi Saravanan, 
Greetings from Syncfusion support, 
We have checked your reported issue “parent item text not rendered” at our end. The reported problem occurs due to the data retrieved with some delay and each time the dataSource property is accessed on rendering of every parent item . You can resolve this issue by using delayUpdate and store the fields values and use it in TreeView component.  
Please refer the following code block. 
<TreeViewComponent delayUpdate="true" nodeTemplate={nodeTemplate} id="target" fields={treeViewFields} nodeSelected={nodeSelected}/> 
const [treeViewFields, settreeViewData] = useState(); 
useEffect(() => { 
var data=[ 
id: "39f156f5bebc978695cceafd73998663", 
type: "Application", 
spriteCssClass: "folder", 
expanded: true, 
text: "ApplicationNew", 
contextMenu: true, 
isMain: true, 
child: [ 
id: "39f157dd2293741dd9d3d34122f22ab1", 
type: "Module", 
text: "Account", 
expanded: false, 
spriteCssClass: "folder", 
contextMenu: true, 
isMain: false, 
allowAPI: false, 
isCodeGenerated: false, 
id: "39f156f63683cbe9bd3d27011400cfa1", 
type: "Module", 
text: "Organization", 
expanded: false, 
spriteCssClass: "folder", 
contextMenu: true, 
isMain: false, 
allowAPI: false, 
isCodeGenerated: false, 
var fields = { 
dataSource: data, 
id: "id", 
text: "text", 
hasChildren: "hasChild" 
}, []); 
Please check the above sample and get back to us, if you require any further assistance on this. 

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