Hareesh, sorry this doesn't work either. I don't understand why my question is not being interpreted properly. I am trying my best to be descriptive, so that you can understand my requirement.
In your code sample, the alert is suppressed, but when there is a recurrence exception event, making a change to the series, also gets applied to the exception event. This is NOT what I want.
Steps to reproduce : Create a recurring event-> edit a single occurrence (change the time) -> then double click an another occurrence LINKED to the series-> Click "Edit series" -> change the time. You will now see that the detached occurrence also gets attached to the series, with the updated time. This is something I don't want. The detached occurrence, should exist independently even AFTER the series is changed.
In the recurrence validation alert, clicking on "NO" will result in the behavior I am looking for. I want the same behavior WITHOUT showing the validation alert.