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How to change an icon in button on click, button is located in the node?

Hello everybody,

environment: Angular 7, Syncfusion version 17.3.27

I have couple of questions about diagram options:

  1. I would like to know is it possible to change an icon with a button click located in the node? Something like this: https://codepen.io/ulyan/pen/JKPXxd
  2. How to use NgClass or directive (*ngIf,  *ngFor, ngStyle) in HTML element, is this even possible? * example
  3. Is it possible to edit the label that is located in a node on a hover action? Something like this: https://codepen.io/MeredithU/pen/jcsvx

I have tried all the possibilities to include icons in the project (https://ej2.syncfusion.com/products/icons/index.html).
And some icons are not recognized (for example icon "ebb9" is not recognized

How to fix this?

If you can provide me an example of how to do this, I would be grateful.

    * - I have tried to make it work but I have no luck...
  public shapeany = {
    type: 'HTML',
    content: `<div style='background:#6BA5D7;height:100%;width:100%;'>
                  <button id='testButton' type='button' style='width:100px' 
                                       prefixIcon="e-icon e-handup"
                    [ngStyle]="{'background-color':person.country === 'UK' ? 'green' : 'red' }">
                    Test Button in Node

Thank you,

3 Replies

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team December 4, 2019 03:03 PM UTC

Hi Maja, 
  1. I would like to know is it possible to change an icon with a button click located in the node? Something like this: https://codepen.io/ulyan/pen/JKPXxd
  2. How to use NgClass or directive (*ngIf,  *ngFor, ngStyle) in HTML element, is this even possible? * example
Your requirement can be achieved using html template only. Currently, we don’t have template support for the html node. We have logged “Template support for HTML node” as a feature and you can track the status of the feature from the below link.  
Feedback link:  
  1. Is it possible to edit the label that is located in a node on a hover action? Something like this: https://codepen.io/MeredithU/pen/jcsvx
We have created a sample in which we have set an annotation for the node on mouseOver event. Please refer to a code example and sample below. 
Code example: 
  <ejs-diagram #diagram id="diagram" width="100%" height="700px" [snapSettings]='snapSettings' [getConnectorDefaults]='connDefaults' [getNodeDefaults]='nodeDefaults' (mouseOver)="mouseOver($event)"> 
public mouseOver(args: IMouseEventArgs): void { 
      if(args.actualObject) {  
        if((args.actualObject as NodeModel).annotations.length > 0) { 
          //set an annotation content for the node at runtime 
            (args.actualObject as NodeModel).annotations[0].content = 'Changed Data'; 
Shyam G 

MM MM December 5, 2019 07:37 AM UTC


Thank you for the quick answer. The example is nice, but how can I show an icon on the mouseOver event and when I click the icon I can edit text.
Is this possible?

Thank you,

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team December 6, 2019 11:35 AM UTC

Hi Maja, 
Instead of mouseover event, please use our diagram user handles to edit a node annotations at runtime. The user handle icon displayed when we select a node. We have created a sample in which, when we click on a userhandle edit icon, the dialog box opens which contains textbox. You can edit a label in the textbox and update it. Please refer to a code example, sample and help documentation below. 
Code example: 
<ejs-diagram #diagram id="diagram" width="100%" height="580px" [getConnectorDefaults]='connDefaults' [getNodeDefaults]='nodeDefaults' [layout]='layout' [dataSourceSettings]='data' [snapSettings]='snapSettings' [selectedItems]="selectedItems" [getCustomTool]="getCustomTool"></ejs-diagram> 
//define userhandles in selected items 
  public selectedItems: SelectorModel = { 
    constraints: SelectorConstraints.UserHandle, 
    userHandles: this.handles 
     //Defines the user handle collection for nodes in diagram 
  public handles: UserHandleModel[] = [ 
            name: 'orgEditHandle', pathColor: 'white', backgroundColor: '#7d7d7d', borderColor: 'white', 
            pathData: 'M 42.65 30.41 L 67.5 53.99 L 41.2 78.73 C 39.41 80.42 37.34 81.27 34.99 81.27 C 32.65 81.27 30.57 80.49 28.78 78.93 L 25.05 82.44 L 0 82.44 L 16.36 67.05 C 14.57 65.36 13.67 63.41 13.67 61.2 C 13.67 58.99 14.57 56.98 16.36 55.16 z M 78.42 25.49 C 78.57 0 78.73 0.01 78.88 0.01 C 81.09 -0.12 83.09 0.66 84.88 2.35 L 97.52 14.04 C 99.17 15.86 100 17.87 100 20.09 C 100 22.29 99.17 24.24 97.52 25.93 L 71.84 50.09 L 46.79 26.51 L 72.47 2.35 C 74.15 0.77 76.13 -0.02 78.42 25.49 z', 
            side: 'Right', offset: 0, horizontalAlignment: 'Center', verticalAlignment: 'Center' 
public getCustomTool: Function = this.getTool.bind(this); 
public getTool(action: string): ToolBase {  
    let tool: ToolBase; 
     if (action === 'orgEditHandle') {   
       //this block executes while selecting a userhandle 
            let orgEditTool: OrgEditHandleTool = new OrgEditHandleTool(this.diagram.commandHandler); 
            orgEditTool.diagram = this.diagram; 
            orgEditTool.dialog = this.dialog; 
            orgEditTool.textbox = this.textbox; 
            return orgEditTool; 
    return tool; 
class OrgEditHandleTool extends ToolBase { 
    public diagram: Diagram = null;  
    public dialog: DialogComponent = null; 
    public textbox: TextBoxComponent = null; 
    public mouseDown(args: MouseEventArgs): void {  
        this.inAction = true; 
  public mouseUp(args: MouseEventArgs): void { 
    if (this.inAction) { 
      if (this.diagram.selectedItems.nodes.length > 0) {  
        //set a node value in the textbox 
        this.textbox.value =this.diagram.selectedItems.nodes[0].annotations[0].content; 
        //open the dialog 
Shyam G 

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