I am using the GridControl to show large grids, with no text in the cells, but colouring the backgrounds.
It works great up to the point where I use the ZoomScale property to zoom out and see the whole grid at once.
With say a 200x200 grid it works fine but is a bit slow. With larger sizes though, say 500x500 plus, while it is fine when only displaying a small number of cells at once, if I do the Zoom Out to show the whole grid, it hangs until an OutOfMemoryException is thrown.
So my question is, is there anything I can do, e.g. turning off any settings that would make the chance of it displaying more likely?
I have tried setting the following properties
grid.Model.Options.ActivateCurrentCellBehavior = Syncfusion.Windows.Controls.Grid.GridCellActivateAction.None;
grid.Model.Options.AllowExcelLikeResizing = false;
grid.Model.Options.AllowSelection = Syncfusion.Windows.Controls.Grid.GridSelectionFlags.None;
and also setting every cell style to "Static", which maybe helps a bit but not still get the Exceptions.
I thought about trying the Virtualising option, but given this is a case of showing all the cells at once, I suspect this wouldn't help.