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Data loading and updating in gantt chart


1) I have a requirement to load 'n' number of records at initial load. When the chart is scrolled to bottom another set of data is requested and appended into the gantt chart data. This requirement is needed as I would have data records in 1000's or more. I would like to implement this but is it possible? If not, is there any work around?

2) After receiving data from API it takes some time to render the data into the gantt chart at initial load. In the older version there was an 'enableVirtualization' property. It is not there in this version. Is there any work around or some way to fix the issue?

3) After the gantt chart is loaded, I select date range filter which requests API call, it returns new set of data. This data should replace the old data and render the gantt chart. As I mentioned earlier in 2) it takes time to render in this case also. Is there any way to update the gantt chart. I tried using updateDataSource method, but I don't see any improvement in speed.

I have attached a file containing only data, html tag and its taskSettings. Currently I have data(Self-referential data binding Flat data) which follows 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm' format and durationUnit as 'Hour'  I set these two only after API is called as the format comes from API.

I hope you will look into this and provide feasible solution.

Thank you,

Nikitha R

Attachment: sample_6dcba660.rar

1 Reply

PP Pooja Priya Krishna Moorthy Syncfusion Team November 27, 2019 02:00 PM UTC

Hi Nikitha,  
Greetings from Syncfusion support. 
Please find the below response. 
Syncfusion Comments 
I have a requirement to load 'n' number of records at initial load.  
We have logged a feature to load the data on demand. In this support, at load time only parent records are rendered. While clicking on the expander icon, corresponding parent’s child records will render. 
You can track its status from below feedback link. 
As we have already lined up some major features, we could not start this feature immediately. We will implement this support and include in any our upcoming releases. 
Please cast your vote to make it count. We will prioritize the features for every release based on demands. 
After receiving data from API it takes some time to render the data into the gantt chart at initial load.  
After the gantt chart is loaded, I select date range filter which requests API call, it returns new set of data. This data should replace the old data and render the gantt chart. As I mentioned earlier in 2) it takes time to render in this case also. Is there any way to update the gantt chart.  
We logged a feature for virtualization support. 
Currently we are working on this feature. We will include this support in our upcoming Volume 1, 2020 main release which is expected to be rolled out in the month of March, 2020. 
Pooja K. 

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