Hi Marek,
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.
We have analyzed your requirement. When tried to kill the running thread of OCR with Tesseract version 3.02, it will not kill the another process of OCRProcessor.PerformOCRlaunches with extension .tmp. However we can achieve your requirement by using Tesseract 3.05 version with enabling of “EnableNativeCall” property in 64-bit binaries (This 64-bit binaries should require when the native call property is enabled). Please find the X64 bit supporting tesseract binaries download link from below,
While performing OCR with this settings, it will not create the another process as like the above. Please refer the below code snippet for more details,
//Load a PDF document
PdfLoadedDocument lDoc = new PdfLoadedDocument("input.pdf");
//Set OCR language to process
processor.Settings.Language = Languages.English;
//Set tesseract OCR version
processor.Settings.TesseractVersion = TesseractVersion.Version3_05;
//Enable native call
processor.Settings.EnableNativeCall = true;
//Process OCR by providing the PDF document and Tesseract data
string str = processor.PerformOCR(lDoc, @"Tessdata/", true); |
Please refer the below UG documentation link for more details,
Kindly try the above solution in your end and let us knw the result.
Sowmiya Loganathan