I have a grid that does not use paging but is in a scroll-able div. I would like to know the number of rows in the grid that are visible. I know I can query against the data source but If I filter I would like the filtered count. I have created a record navigation pane that when a row is selected additional details are provide. My record navigation pane has a next and previous with a first and last button. I need to know how many records so I can display record number: 4 of 15 or 4 of 500.
let rows = this.$refs.reportGrid.ej2Instances.getSelectedRowIndexes();
let index = rows[0];
switch (arg) {
case "first":
this.$refs.reportGrid.ej2Instances.selectRow(0, true);
case "next":
this.$refs.reportGrid.ej2Instances.selectRow(index + 1, true);
case "previous":
this.$refs.reportGrid.ej2Instances.selectRow(index - 1, true);
case "last":
this.$refs.reportGrid.ej2Instances.selectRow(0, true);