I have a strange bug that occurs when setting visible to false in navigationPaneSettings. The page keeps refreshing quickly, forever. This is the code:
var filemanagerInstance =
new ej.filemanager.FileManager({
ajaxSettings: {
url: hostUrl + 'FileManager/FileOperations',
getImageUrl: hostUrl + 'FileManager/GetImage',
uploadUrl: hostUrl + 'FileManager/Upload',
downloadUrl: hostUrl + 'FileManager/Download'
view: "Details",
allowDragAndDrop: true,
navigationPaneSettings: { visible: false },
beforeSend: function (args) {
var data = JSON.parse(args.ajaxSettings.data);
data["sonbr"] = ordernum.toString();
args.ajaxSettings.data = JSON.stringify(data);
I have tried moving the option below the beforeSend function and I tried adding the maxWidth and minWidth options, but the bug keeps occurring. Removing the highlighted line removes the bug and everything works correctly.