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Optimization of loading folders

I'm using the localized FileManager and need to programmatically set the folder path based on inputed text.  They always share the same root, set in Controllers/FileManagerController.cs.  However, this folder is extremely large and it seems it loads this entire root folder and takes a while to load. Is there any way to skip loading this entire folder, and just load the subfolder specified in path like following:

     var filemanagerInstance = new ej.filemanager.FileManager({
          ajaxSettings: {
               url: hostUrl + 'FileManager/FileOperations',
               getImageUrl: hostUrl + 'FileManager/GetImage',
               uploadUrl: hostUrl + 'FileManager/Upload',
               downloadUrl: hostUrl + 'FileManager/Download'
          view: "Details",
          allowDragAndDrop: true,
          path: "/" + ordernum.toString()

1 Reply

KR Keerthana Rajendran Syncfusion Team November 18, 2019 12:32 PM UTC

Hi William,  
We have checked your reported query to skip loading the entire folder. In file manager component, using path property, the request will be sent to the server based on each treeview child nodes. In that case, there is no possibility to skip loading the entire folder. If you don’t want to load the entire folder structure. In that case, you have to directly set root path as a specified path in controller side. It will load the particular folder as a root path and display only the corresponding sub-folders. There is no need to set the path property for file manager component. 
Please let us know, if you have any concerns. 

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