Hi Roberto,
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.
We have checked your reported query and We have create the sample for your scenario, in that we have using Datamanager for filter the required data in the remote URL.
Please refer the below code snippet and sample link,
<input id='listbox' />
import { ListBox } from '@syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns';
import { Query, DataManager, ODataV4Adaptor } from '@syncfusion/ej2-data';
let listObj: ListBox = new ListBox({
dataSource: new DataManager({
url: 'https://services.odata.org/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/',
adaptor: new ODataV4Adaptor
query: new Query().from('Products').select('ProductName').where('ProductID', 'greaterthan', 2).take(4),
fields: { text: 'ProductName' }
Sample Link:
Arunkumar D