<EjsGrid @ref="Grid" DataSource="@Orders" AllowGrouping="true" Height="400">
<GridEvents DataBound="OnDataBound" TValue="Order"></GridEvents>
<GridGroupSettings Columns="@(new string[] {"CustomerID"})"></GridGroupSettings>
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EjsGrid<Order> Grid;
public bool IntialRender = true;
public List<Order> Orders { get; set; }
public void OnDataBound()
if (!IntialRender)
IntialRender = true;
…… …. . . . . . .
} |
I am just curious, are there any plans on adding persistent grouping in the future, as without presistance across actions (paging, sorting, reload async data, etc.), the grouping feature is kinda useless if you want to display and group any amount of data.
At the moment I am looking into a js-bypass to show/hide groups manually with a selfmanaged list of all active groups whioch is absolutely hacky and deeply relies on classes being set, which is bound to break on any update.
Please take another look into grouping persistance.
Kind regards,
Why can't Synfusion just store an IsExpanded field on each row and then use that for expansion / collapsing each time there is a re-render, perhaps if some PersistDetailExpansion property is set to true? I am trying to implement that using events on my end, so if I can do it syncfusion should surely be able to implement it internally. I think we need a better explanation for why it's not feasible beyond that that's the way it already is. The grid is able to enable persistence for column order, sorting and etc, so why not row collapse state?
The state of the TreeGrid component is very unusable so DataGrid with detail view is the next best solution and I don't think we should accept that so many major functionalities are missing or that we need to hack into the event system for basic functions.
Thank you