Hi Keith,
Syncfusion Greetings.
In our analysis, you are expecting “To access the Vue stroe in the content template of Tab”. We were able to achieve this requirement in Tab component by storing the content for the template in Vue state and accessing it from this.$store. Please check the below code block and same can be available in below link.
Template1: function() {
return {
template: Vue.component("Content1", {
template: " <div><p>{{content}}</p><div>",
store: store,
data() {
return { content: "" };
beforeMount: function(e) {
this.content = this.$store.state.content2;
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
content1: "Place your content here for content 1",
content2: "Place your content here for content 2",
content3: "Place your content here for content 3",
Kindly try the above solution and let us know, if you need further assistance on this.
M.Vinitha devi