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Object in GridStyleInfo.Tag being cloned

I want to take GridStyleInfo.Tag as a reference to a object.But after this: this.grd[i,j].Tag=myObject; I found the object stored in Tag is a object cloned from myObject.How to avoid cloning take place? My Suite Version is I found in Doc :"set StylePropertyInfo.IsCloneable = false and StylePropertyInfo.IsDisposable = false or implement IStyleCloneable to avoid cloning and disposing of objects assigned to Tag".Is it implemented?

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 4, 2004 06:13 AM UTC

IsCloneable and IsDisposable are static properties that you can set once at start up (before you set any tags) to indicate how the grid handles tags. GridStyleInfoStore.TagProperty.IsCloneable = false; GridStyleInfoStore.TagProperty.IsDisposable = false; If you need to have a mixed of cloneable and non-cloneable tags, then your objects would have to implement ICloneable for the ones you do not want cloned, and do nothing in their implementation methods.

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