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I have a similar issue like my older issue https://www.syncfusion.com/forums/144538/node-with-handlers-creates-ghosting-effect-when-trying-to-drop,
but this time it's the annotation template within a node that's creating a ghosting trail effect. I have added a zip with a gif showing the issue.
We have applied your code example in our sample and it is working fine at our end. We are unable to replicate an issue at our end. Could you please share us more details such as modify the below sample.
Additional issue with template: On your own website the node annotation template example is showing a glitch/bug when dragging. the template shift sometimes.(see zip containing a gif for example) or check the following url of your own website: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/documentation/diagram/labels/#template-support-for-annotation
This happens in my code aswell, the shifting of the template, it's quite annoying.
Please set width and height value for a annotation object to resolve your reported issue. Please refer to a code example below.
Code example:
public nodes: NodeModel[] = [
id: 'node1', offsetX: 150, offsetY: 150, width:100, height:100,
annotations: [{ id:"label1", width:100,height:100, template:'<div><input type="button" value="Submit"></div>' }],
- The issue “Template annotation drawn numerous times during runtime changes” has been fixed. ???????HUH???????