Hi Tomasz,
Greeting from Syncfusion
There is no direct method to disable the edit dialog only on taskbar double click action. We can achieve this by using some work around by manually binding the double click event to the taskbars using JavaScript addEventListener method, in this event handler we have stopped event bubbling for double click action, please find the below code example.
<ejs-gantt ref="gantt" id="GanttContainer"
: queryTaskbarInfo="queryTaskbarInfo">
export default {
methods: {
queryTaskbarInfo: function(args) {
args.taskbarElement.addEventListener("dblclick", function(e) {
}; |
We have prepared the sample with your requirement, please find the sample from below link.
Note: Dialog will render while clicking edit toolbar item and in the row other than the taskbar element in chart side.
Please get back to us if you require further assistance on this.