Hi Krunal,
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.
Query 1: Regarding hiding weekend days in Schedule MonthView
Currently, we don’t have support to hide weekend days in MonthView. For now, we can highlight the date (with color) or blackout the dates to enable or disable the touch interactions but we cannot hide weekend days. We have the option in
WorkWeekView of schedule for hiding weekend days.
We have already logged a feature request to Hide weekend days in MonthView. We will implement this feature in any of our upcoming release.
At the planning stage for every release cycle, we review all open features and identify features for implementation based on specific parameters including product vision, technological feasibility, and customer interest. We will let you know when this feature is implemented. We appreciate your patience until then.
Thank you for requesting this feature and helping us define it. We are always trying to make our products better and feature requests like yours are a key part of our product growth efforts.
You can also communicate with us regarding the open features any time using our Feature Report page.
Note: The provided feedback link is private, you need to login to view this feedback.
If you have any more specification/suggestions to the feature request, you can add it as a comment in the portal and cast your vote to make it count.
Query 2: Regarding restrict appointments to add on existing appointment
Appointments can be restricted in sample level while adding new appointment check with already existing schedule appointments and add only if the time slot is free. Please refer the following code example for the same,
private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
ScheduleAppointment appointment = new ScheduleAppointment()
StartTime = new DateTime(2019, 09, 05, 10, 0, 0),
EndTime = new DateTime(2019, 09, 05, 12, 0, 0),
Subject = "Meeting",
var AppointmentAlreadyExist = (schedule.DataSource as ScheduleAppointmentCollection).Any(x => x.StartTime.Year == appointment.StartTime.Year
&& x.StartTime.Month == appointment.StartTime.Month
&& x.StartTime.Date == appointment.StartTime.Date && ((x.StartTime.Hour <= appointment.StartTime.Hour && x.EndTime.Hour >= appointment.StartTime.Hour) || (x.StartTime.Hour <= appointment.EndTime.Hour && x.EndTime.Hour >= appointment.EndTime.Hour)));
if (!AppointmentAlreadyExist)
(schedule.DataSource as ScheduleAppointmentCollection).Add(appointment);
} |
We have prepared a sample based on your requirement, please find the sample by the following link.
In the sample, as per your requirement we added a new appointment after checking it with existing appointments.
We hope this helps. Please let us know, if you need any further assistance.
Karthik Raja A