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Color of any shape is always blue


so I am currently working on a word template. Designing the first page with shapes. I would like to let the user choose the fillcolor of the shapes. Default fillcolor is purple. As soon as the color in the template gets changed, the shapes in the output word file are blue. I can choose any color in the template, the exported file will always have blue shapes. So I tried make them yellow, orange, red and to remove the fillcolor, the shapes are always blue as result.

Attachment: template_and_export_rectangle_shape_difference_39545776.rar

4 Replies

PA Paul Abramov August 23, 2019 08:35 AM UTC

Okay so I just learned, it uses the shapetemplate but not the used fillcolor, is there a way to get the shape fillcolor from thetemplate and apply it to the shape?

PR Poorani Rajendran Syncfusion Team August 26, 2019 07:03 AM UTC

Hi Paul,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.

We have tried to reproduce the reported problem while converting to DOCX format, but it works properly at our end. For your reference, we have attached the sample application which we tried at our end and it can be downloaded from the below link:

Note: Please find the input files in “Data” folder of above sample application.

We suspect that the problem might be due to the input Word document used at your end. So, could you please share us the input Word document to reproduce the issue. Based on the details, we will check on your problem and will share you the solution at the earliest.

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Poorani Rajendran

PA Paul Abramov August 29, 2019 07:31 AM UTC


thank you for your example, it worked, but we have learned, grouping forms, causes some strange behaviour.
So we had to delete the grouping and color each form by it self. It works now, thank you!

PR Poorani Rajendran Syncfusion Team August 29, 2019 10:01 AM UTC

Hi Paul,

We are glad that your issue is resolved. Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

Poorani Rajendran

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