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Format Zero as blank


could you tell me how to format a numeric column in a grid as blank if the value is zero please. i have tried various formats like below but it only seems to like
simple formats like n4, n0 etc. im sure there must be some way but i cant figure it out

               <ej:Grid ID="ClockingGrid" runat="server" Width="1100px" SelectionMode="Single"
                  AllowSorting="True" AllowPaging="True" IsResponsive="true">
                     <ej:Column Field ="ClockingID"   HeaderText="ID"      Width="75"  TextAlign="Right" IsPrimaryKey="True" />
                     <ej:Column Field ="Date"         HeaderText="Date"    Width="160" TextAlign="Right" Format="{0:ddd dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss}" />
                     <ej:Column Field ="ClockingType" HeaderText="T"       Width="40"  TextAlign="Center"/>
                     <ej:Column Field ="DeviceID"     HeaderText="Dev"     Width="65"  TextAlign="Right" />
                     <ej:Column Field ="JobCode"      HeaderText="Job"     Width="75"  TextAlign="Right" Format="{0:0;;}"/>
                     <ej:Column Field ="Latitude"     HeaderText="Lat"     Width="75"  TextAlign="Right" Format="{0:n4}" />
                     <ej:Column Field ="Longitude"    HeaderText="Lon"     Width="75"  TextAlign="Right" Format="{0:n4}" />
                     <ej:Column Field ="Accuracy"     HeaderText="Acc"     Width="60"  TextAlign="Right" Format="{0:n0}" />
                     <ej:Column Field ="Address"      HeaderText="Address" Width="250" TextAlign="Left" />
                     <ej:Column HeaderText="G" TextAlign="Left" Width="37" CssClass="btncolstyle" HeaderTextAlign="Center" AllowSorting="false" >                    
                           <ej:Commands Type="edit" >
                              <ButtonOptions Width="24" Height="24" ImagePosition="ImageLeft" ContentType="TextOnly"
                                             ShowRoundedCorner="true" Text="" CssClass="btngeocode">

                     <ej:Column Field ="JobHours" HeaderText="Job Hr" Width="65" TextAlign="Right" Format="{0:n2}"/>
                     <ej:Column Field ="TAAHours" HeaderText="TAA Hr" Width="65" TextAlign="Right" Format="{0:n2}"/>
                  <PageSettings PageSize="18" />

FYI: this is a simple method in my code library that i have that works for general formatting of an integer

      public static string BlankIfZero(int myInt)
         return string.Format("{0:0;-0;\"\"}", myInt);



3 Replies

FS Farveen Sulthana Thameeztheen Basha Syncfusion Team August 21, 2019 09:03 AM UTC

Hi Bob, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support. 

Query#:-could you tell me how to format a numeric column in a grid as blank if the value is zero please.  
We have achieved your requirement through QueryCellInfo event of the Grid. Using queryCellInfo event we have changed the value using args.cell.textContent if it is zero or null.  Refer to the code example:- 

<ej:Grid ID="FlatGrid" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowScrolling="True" AllowFiltering="False" AllowReordering="False" AllowSorting="True" AllowSelection="True" Selectiontype="Multiple" >  
       <ClientSideEvents QueryCellInfo="queryCellInfo" />  
                <ej:Column Field="Id" HeaderText="Order ID" Width="90"  IsPrimaryKey="True" Visible="false" />  
                <ej:Column Field="Name" HeaderText="Customer ID" Width="85"/>  
                <ej:Column Field="Freight" HeaderText="Employee ID" Format="{0:C}"  Width="70"/>  
         function queryCellInfo(args) {  
              if (args.column.field == "Freight") { 
               if (args.cell.textContent == null || args.cell.textContent == "") { 
                    var val = "$0:0"; 
                    args.cell.textContent = val; 

Refer to the API Link:-  

Please get back to us if you need any further assistance. 

Farveen sulthana T 

BN Bob Needham August 21, 2019 12:06 PM UTC


your solution didn't work, it was obviously not tested, but you pointed me in the right direction, so thanks for the help.

i asked how to format a numeric column in a grid as blank if the value is zero and below is my amended solution that works great,

      function queryCellInfo(args) {
         if (args.column.field == "JobCode") {
            if (args.cell.textContent == null || args.cell.textContent == "0") {
               args.cell.textContent = "";



FS Farveen Sulthana Thameeztheen Basha Syncfusion Team August 22, 2019 05:14 AM UTC

Hi Bob, 

Thanks for your update. Please get back to us if you need any further assistance. 

Farveen sulthana T 

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