Well by default it is setting the cursor for my header cells to a sorting cursor (a down arrow in black).
I haven''t done anything special to make it do this, so how do I disable this?
>By default, the grid does not display any special cursor when you are over a sortable column header. It just displays the default pointer cursor.
>If you want to prevent the sorting for a particular column, then you can handle the CellClic event (or CellDoubleClick event) and set e.Cancel = true if the click is on a column header you do not want to sort.
>private void gridDataBoundGrid1_CellClick(object sender, GridCellClickEventArgs e)
> //don''t sort col 2
> if(e.RowIndex == 0 && e.ColIndex == 2)
> {
> e.Cancel = true;
> }
>Now if you want to display a special cursor, you can do so by deriving the grid and overriding OnSetCursor.
Here is a sample. You can add additional checks to narrow where you set the cursor.