Thanks for your reply, the ejspreadsheet refresh works! and much better than the setTimeout option.
Returning to the matter of validating the contents of the spreadsheet in the controller on the server side, I have another question.
I can see that the Json data on the controller has 2 properties:
- dataContainer
- model
These are my observations regarding dataContainer & model:
- Right now I only see a 1-dimension vector (sharedData) and I don't know where each sheet's row starts and ends.
- "model" has a property named "colCount" stating there are 10 columns but only columns 1 - 8 have data, columns 9 & 10 are empty (see below a screencap of the json object received by the controller). I need to ignore columns 9 & 10.
The way I need to validate is as follows:
- Make sure at least certain number of columns have data, first 8 for this matter. Any columns beyond 8 will be ignored
- First row will be ignored as it is reserved for the column titles
- data (cell contents) will start at row 2, column A
My questions are (always from jsonData received by the controller, either from "dataContainer" or "model"):
- How can I identify where each row starts and ends?
- How can I get contents of a cell by coordinates? i.e.: dataContainer.sheets[0]."GETCELLCONTENTS(2,1)"? this example should return contents of cell A,2