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ResetVolatileData vs Refresh

What is the difference between Grid.ResetVolatileData and Grid.Refresh? If I have a grid that is 5 * 5 and I simply change the underlying data, (not the shape) then a refresh updates the grid and I see no reason to call ResetVolatileData. It appears that ResetVolatileData should be call if the number of rows/column changes or the first time the underlying data is ready for display. Please Clarify. Thanks!!

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 1, 2004 03:47 PM UTC

A call to Refresh will also initiate a call to ResetVolatileData, so there is no need to do both. ( Refresh = ResetVolatileData + UpdateScrollBars + Update)

ST Steve June 2, 2004 10:27 AM UTC

How does BeginUpdate() and EndUpdate() fit into this? Does EndUpdate() do the same as Refresh? Thanks, Steve

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 2, 2004 01:08 PM UTC

BeginUpdate/EndUpdate is how you tell the grid to turn off/on its default drawing behavior. They suspend and restart the drawing. These are not necessarily related to Refresh, though it is common to call Refresh after a EndUpdate (depending on what parameters you used in calling BeginUpdate) to force teh grid to redraw it self. If you call grid.BeginUpdate(Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.BeginUpdateOptions.InvalidateAndScroll), and then a grid.EndUpdate(true), this comes close to having called grid.Refresh, but still does not do a grid.ResetVolatileData, and it will only affect teh regions of teh grid that got invalidated since the call to BeginUpdate. This may or may not be the whole clientarea of grid. Calling grid.Refresh does affect the whole clientarea of teh grid.

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