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Line Chart not showing the line!

Hi, I was trying to create a line chart and I couldn't.
The chart in the SfDateTimeRangeNavigator works fine but the chart itself not showing data, can you tell me what's wrong?

XML Code :
android:layout_height="match_parent" >
android:id="@+id/Chart" />
android:id="@+id/ChartDateNav" />

C# Code :
SfChart Chart = FindViewById<SfChart>(Resource.Id.Chart);
SfChart NavChart = new SfChart(this);
SfDateTimeRangeNavigator ChartDateNav = FindViewById<SfDateTimeRangeNavigator>(Resource.Id.ChartDateNav);
DateTimeAxis XAxis = new DateTimeAxis();
XAxis.LabelCreated += (sender, e) => {
e.AxisLabel.LabelContent = JDateTime.JDateNTime(DateTime.Parse((string)e.AxisLabel.LabelContent));
NumericalAxis YAxis = new NumericalAxis();
ObservableCollection<ChartData> Data = new ObservableCollection<ChartData>() {
new ChartData { Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10), Price = 180000 },
new ChartData { Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-8), Price = 170000 },
new ChartData { Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-4), Price = 190000 },
new ChartData { Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), Price = 180000 }
LineSeries LSeries = new LineSeries() {
ItemsSource = Data,
XBindingPath = "Date",
YBindingPath = "Price",
Label = "First Product",
TooltipEnabled = true,
Color = Color.Green,
SelectedDataPointColor = Color.DarkGreen
ChartTrackballBehavior TrackballBehavior = new ChartTrackballBehavior {
ShowLabel = true,
ShowLine = true
Chart.PrimaryAxis = XAxis;
Chart.SecondaryAxis = YAxis;
DateTimeAxis NavXAxis = new DateTimeAxis() {
Visibility = Visibility.Gone,
ShowMajorGridLines = false,
ShowMinorGridLines = false
NumericalAxis NavYAxis = new NumericalAxis() {
Visibility = Visibility.Gone,
ShowMajorGridLines = false,
ShowMinorGridLines = false
ObservableCollection<ChartData> NavData = new ObservableCollection<ChartData>() {
new ChartData { Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10), Price = 180000 },
new ChartData { Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-8), Price = 170000 },
new ChartData { Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-4), Price = 190000 },
new ChartData { Date = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1), Price = 180000 }
LineSeries NavLSeries = new LineSeries() {
ItemsSource = NavData,
XBindingPath = "Date",
YBindingPath = "Price",
Color = Color.Green,
NavChart.PrimaryAxis = NavXAxis;
NavChart.SecondaryAxis = NavYAxis;
NavChart.Legend.Visibility = Visibility.Gone;

var Min = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-11);
var Max = DateTime.Now;
ChartDateNav.Minimum = new GregorianCalendar(Min.Year, Min.Month, Min.Day, Min.Hour, Min.Minute, Min.Second).Time;
ChartDateNav.Maximum = new GregorianCalendar(Max.Year, Max.Month, Max.Day, Max.Hour, Max.Minute, Max.Second).Time;

ChartDateNav.RangeChanged += (sender, e) => {
XAxis.Minimum = e.ViewRangeStart;
XAxis.Maximum = e.ViewRangeEnd;
ChartDateNav.Content = NavChart;
ChartDateNav.MajorScaleStyle.ShowGridLines = false;
ChartDateNav.MinorScaleStyle.ShowGridLines = false;

3 Replies

RA Rachel A Syncfusion Team July 8, 2019 07:35 AM UTC

Greetings from Syncfusion. 
As you are using GregorianCalendar in your code snippet for date calculation, the month value in GregorianCalendar begins at 0. So, the minimum and maximum are wrongly set for the axis and there is no data point lies under the given minimum and maximum value to draw the line chart. To avoid this problem, you can decrease the month by 1 as in the below code snippet. Also, we have prepared a sample based on your code snippet and it can be downloaded from the below link.  
ChartDateNav.Minimum = new GregorianCalendar(Min.Year, Min.Month - 1, Min.Day, Min.Hour, Min.Minute, Min.Second).Time; 
ChartDateNav.Maximum = new GregorianCalendar(Max.Year, Max.Month - 1, Max.Day, Max.Hour, Max.Minute, Max.Second).Time; 
You can check the below links for reference. 

XA Xamarin July 8, 2019 08:43 AM UTC

Wow, Thank you soooo much, It totally worked out.
Really didn't see that coming as the answer!

RA Rachel A Syncfusion Team July 8, 2019 08:52 AM UTC

We are glad that the reported problem resolved at your end. Please let us know, if you have any other queries. 

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