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ComboBox Multi-Select not clearing when a parent filter is changed


I am working with the Designer to create the .sydx file to use with the .svc within my Angular project.

The issue is when I select my parent filter environment the child parent doesn't clear the already selected data in the ComboBox. 

I sent an example .gif of what is occurring.

Thank you,


Attachment: syncFusion_007_combobox.gif_add7e64e.zip

4 Replies

JR Jenitta Rachel Chellapandian Syncfusion Team June 14, 2019 11:00 AM UTC

Hi Melissa,  
We are able to reproduce the reported issue “ComboBox Multi-Select not clearing when a parent filter is changed” from our end. We will share you the further details on this issue by 17th June 2019 
C Jenitta Rachel 

JR Jenitta Rachel Chellapandian Syncfusion Team June 17, 2019 01:29 PM UTC

Hi Melissa, 
We will fix the reported issue ComboBox Multi-Select not clearing when a parent filter is changed and it will be available in our v4.1 release, which was scheduled on last week of this month. 
Please let us know, if you have any concerns. 
C Jenitta Rachel 

ML Melissa Langhausen June 17, 2019 02:24 PM UTC

I am finding that this has been an issue for sometime now. Can you please send me a fix with the SDK in mind. Thank you 

RN Renuka N Syncfusion Team June 18, 2019 11:42 AM UTC

Hi Melissa, 
We are near to our upcoming release of Dashboard Platform v4.1. So, we are working towards the release. We will include the fix for the reported issue in our upcoming release which is expected to be rolled out on end of June 2019. 
We appreciate your patience until then. 
Renuka N. 

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