Hi Vasil,
Greetings from Syncfusion Support.
We suspect that you might missed to assign the filtered data collection to the scheduler datasource which could be the problem. Please use the following code to load the new filtered data and for the same we have prepared sample for your reference in that the events with ID as 100 has been filtered and assigned to scheduler which can be viewed from the following link.
click() {
var dataManager1 = "https://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejservices/api/Schedule/LoadData";
var dManager = new DataManager({ url: dataManager1 }).executeQuery(new Query()).then((e) => {
var data = (e as any).result;
let result: Object[] = new DataManager(data).executeLocal(new Query().where('Id', 'equal', 100));
this.scheduleObj.eventSettings.dataSource = result;
Please try out the sample and let us know if you need any further assistance.