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Problem with hold and double tap

I'm using buttons and pickers inside cells. When the user taps quickly or holds one of the buttons events are not firing. This is not the expected behaviour. When the user tap the button twice (double tap) the action should be performed twiced instead of none. Single taps work fine. The problem I'm facing with is on iOS. On Android it works fine. When button is clicked it takes considerable amount of time.
My configuration SelectionMode is set to SingleDeselect, SelectionGesture is set to tap. 
I'm using different item templates which I assign from code using: ListView.SelectedItemTemplate and ListView.ItemTemplate.

7 Replies

GP Gnana Priya Namasivayam Syncfusion Team May 24, 2019 01:27 PM UTC

Hi Artur, 

Thanks for using Syncfusion products. 

We could able to reproduce the reported issue that `In iOS, button click event does not fire on double tap` but works on hold. We are trying to find the cause for the reported issue in SfListView. We will validate and provide further details on or before May 28, 2019. We will appreciate your patience until then. 

Gnana Priya N 

SP Subburaj Pandian Veluchamy Syncfusion Team May 28, 2019 03:19 PM UTC

Hi Artur,  
We have confirmed that reported issue is the defect and we have already logged a defect report for the same. The fix will be included in our upcoming weekly NuGet release which is rolled out at the June 4, 2019. We will appreciate your patience until then. 
You can also track the status of the report by the following feedback link, 
Subburaj Pandian V 

DB Dinesh Babu Yadav Syncfusion Team June 4, 2019 10:42 AM UTC

Hi Artur,

We are glad to announce that our latest weekly NuGet package update version has been rolled out with the “Button clicked event is not fired on double tap in iOS platform” issue fix and is available for download (nuget.org).
We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this update. We hope this helps, kindly revert us if you have any concerns.

Dinesh Babu Yadav

DB Dinesh Babu Yadav Syncfusion Team June 28, 2019 06:08 AM UTC

Hi Artur, 

We are glad to announce that our Essential Studio 2019 Volume 2 Beta Release version is rolled out with the mentioned issue fix “In iOS, Button clicked event is not fired on double tap” and is available for download under the following link. 

Note: This issue fix will be included in our main release as well which is expected to be available by mid of July 2019. 

We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this release. Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance. 

Dinesh Babu Yadav 

YC Yuvaraj Chandrasekaran Syncfusion Team August 5, 2019 01:06 PM UTC

Hi Artur,  
We would like to inform you that we have reverted the fix of the following use case “The Button double event is not working in the Xamarin.Forms.IOS platform while using SfListView” in our latest versions, due to fix changes affecting our major touch behavior. We analyzed this issue further and found that it is a issue from framework, we have reported the same to Xamarin team. 
Once, Xamarin team updated with workable solution, we will update you the further status of this issue fix if included in our future releases. 
Kindly let us know in case of any queries related to this. 
Yuvaraj Chandrasekaran 

KE Karim el Safadi April 4, 2020 12:26 AM UTC


I am facing the issue with the SFListView control that neither Tap, nor DoubleTap work for the SelectionGesture on iOS. Hold is the only property that works fine.
Thus, the events for Tap and DoubleTap also don't work.
Can someone reproduce this issue and is there a fix?

Thanks in advance!

LN Lakshmi Natarajan Syncfusion Team April 6, 2020 06:02 AM UTC

Hi Karim, 
Thank you for using Syncfusion products. 
We have checked the reported query “ItemTapped and ItemDoubleTapped issue in iOS” from our end. We would like to inform you that the reported issue is a framework issue in iOS 13.4. Kindly refer the following issue report for further updates.  
Please let us know if you need further assistance.  
Lakshmi Natarajan 

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