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selecting event firing incorrectly


I've been experimenting with tab control wizard demo and can't make sense of when exactly the 'selecting' event is supposed to trigger. I've added some console logging statements in two functions and the output from these suggests that there is a problem with the selecting event firing incorrectly. The event is firing each time a tab is disabled, and the values for previousIndex and selectedIndex also seem incorrect.

I've changed the tabSelecting event handler to the following:

    function tabSelecting(e) {
        console.log("tabSelecting event fired");
        console.log("name: ", e.name);
        console.log("previousIndex: ", e.previousIndex);
        console.log("selectedIndex: ", e.selectedIndex);
        if (e.isSwiped) {
            e.cancel = true;

and changed part of the tabNavigations to the following:

            case "searchNext":
                /* Validate the Source, Destination, Date and Class chosen and proceed only if all the fields are selected */
                if (!ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(startPoint.value) && !ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(endPoint.value) &&
                    !ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(ticketType.value) && !ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(journeyDate.value)) {
                    if (!ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(startPoint.value) && startPoint.value === endPoint.value) {
                        document.getElementById("err1").innerText = "* Arrival point can\"t be same as Departure";
                    else {
                        console.log("Beginning of else block for searchNext case statement")
                        console.log("disabling tab: 0");
                        tabObj.enableTab(0, false);
                        console.log("enabling tab: 1");
                        tabObj.enableTab(1, true);
                        console.log("selecting tab: 1");
                        console.log("End of else block for searchNext case statement")
                        document.getElementById("err1").innerText = "";
                        document.getElementById("err2").innerText = "";
                else {
                    document.getElementById("err1").innerText = "* Please fill all the details before proceeding";

The console output is as follows:

wizard:201 Beginning of else block for searchNext case statement
wizard:202 disabling tab: 0
wizard:102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
wizard:103 tabSelecting event fired
wizard:104 name:  selecting
wizard:105 previousIndex:  0
wizard:106 selectedIndex:  0
wizard:107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
wizard:102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
wizard:103 tabSelecting event fired
wizard:104 name:  selecting
wizard:105 previousIndex:  0
wizard:106 selectedIndex:  0
wizard:107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
wizard:204 enabling tab: 1
wizard:207 selecting tab: 1
wizard:102 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
wizard:103 tabSelecting event fired
wizard:104 name:  selecting
wizard:105 previousIndex:  0
wizard:106 selectedIndex:  0
wizard:107 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
wizard:209 End of else block for searchNext case statement
wizard:210 -------------------------

Can you please clarify what the correct behaviour here should be.



1 Reply

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team May 27, 2019 11:57 AM UTC

Hi Ian, 
Greetings from Syncfsuion. 
Selecting will be triggered once the tab item is clicked just like action begin action. When the tab item is interacted (enable / disable), Selecting will be triggered and the previous tab item values will be maintained in previousIndex and selectedIndex. For example, when the 2nd index item is selected then its previousIndex (0) and selectedIndex (1) will be based on 1st index tab item. We have modified the wizard sample, so that Selecting event will be triggered twice instead of thrice. 
function tabNavigations(args) { 
    switch (args.target.id) { 
        case 'searchNext': 
            /* Validate the Source, Destination, Date and Class chosen and proceed only if all the fields are selected */ 
            if (!ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(startPoint.value) && !ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(endPoint.value) && 
                !ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(ticketType.value) && !ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(journeyDate.value)) { 
                if (!ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(startPoint.value) && startPoint.value === endPoint.value) { 
                    document.getElementById('err1').innerText = '* Arrival point can\'t be same as Departure'; 
                else { 
                    // no select needed 
                        console.log("Beginning of else block for searchNext case statement")                       
                         console.log("enabling tab: 1"); 
                         tabObj.enableTab(1, true); 
                          console.log("disabling tab: 0"); 
                        tabObj.enableTab(0, false); 
                        console.log("End of else block for searchNext case statement") 
            else { 
                document.getElementById('err1').innerText = '* Please fill all the details before proceeding'; 
        case 'bookTickets': 
            /* Based on the selected station generate Grid content to display trains available */ 
            if (availTrainGrid.getSelectedRecords() === undefined || availTrainGrid.getSelectedRecords().length === 0) { 
                document.getElementById('err2').innerText = '* Select your convenient train'; 
            else { 
                // no select needed 
                tabObj.enableTab(2, true); 
                tabObj.enableTab(1, false); 
                document.getElementById('err2').innerText = ''; 
        case 'confirmTickets': 
            /* Get the Passenger details and validate the fields must not be left empty */ 
            var name = document.getElementById('pass_name1'); 
            var age = document.getElementById('pass_age1'); 
            var gender = document.getElementById('pass_gender1'); 
            if (name.value === '' || age.value === '' || gender.value === '') { 
                document.getElementById('err3').innerText = '* Please enter passenger details'; 
            else { 
              // no select needed 
                tabObj.enableTab(3, true); 
                tabObj.enableTab(2, false); 
                document.getElementById('err3').innerText = ''; 

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