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Starthour on tablet not working correctly


I'm setting the startHour to '08:45' but then on a tablet the appointments are not on the correct place if you look at the appointment time and the time line of the rows.
Example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/fhrsed?file=index.js (open on iPad or with Chrome with device toolbar)
Only not working correctly on tablet. Also the time rows are not on 08:45, 09:45, 10:45 etc but on 8/9/10 AM. 

3 Replies

HB Hareesh Balasubramanian Syncfusion Team May 3, 2019 01:18 PM UTC

Hi Arwin, 

It is a default behavior, since the width of the time cells will be short in the tablet device. If you wish to have time rows like 8:45, we suggest you to use template for time cells. And for the same we have prepared sample which can be viewed from the following link, 

timeScale: {majorSlotTemplate: '#majorSlotTemplate'}, 

Please try out the sample. Let us know if you need any further assistance. 


AR Arwin May 3, 2019 02:00 PM UTC

Hi Hareesh,

Thanks for the response.
Strange, I would think that if you adjust the start_hour it should always be displayed correctly, regardless of which device. I will now adjust that 8:45 is not possible to enter so that only whole hours can be used. I would also recommend adding a warning if someone set the time not to a whole hour if you do not want to support it.

Best regards,

KK Karthigeyan Krishnamurthi Syncfusion Team May 6, 2019 06:11 AM UTC

Hi Arwin,  
Thanks for your update. 
We will include this information in UG as separate topic with the sample provided to you. It will be refreshed in online at the end of May 2019. 

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