Hi - this is somewhat related to thread #142044 - when I provide a list of filter values from the server which contain values that are not in the currently-filtered data set in the grid the whole list doesn't display.
The scenario is a helpdesk ticketing system where the user can select tickets by status: the default functionality of the grid filters is to provide the list of distinct values for status from the data being queried - but I am persisting the state of the control and always want to display the same set of status values regardless of whether there are any examples with each status in the data.
Example: Open tickets exist with a status values of ["New", "In Progress", "Waiting Response"]. However I want the filter to also show the ["Resolved"] option - so my server-side code returns ["New", "In Progress", "Waiting Response", "Resolved"] when the user clicks the filter icon. The result is that the filter list just shows "No Matches Found" (see screen clip below). If, however, I start typing the name of the status I want it appears in the list.
How do I force the filter list to display the set of values returned from the Data Manager ?