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On checking a checkbox select the row and also on clicking a row redirect to another page


Two operation need to be done on the same GRID
1.on checking a checkbox in a grid select the row to delete the row 2. on clicking a row of the grid redirect to another page.
I have attached the screenshot of the requirement below
Thanks in Advance.

Thanks & Regards,


Attachment: screenshot_d229ffe9.zip

7 Replies

HJ Hariharan J V Syncfusion Team April 4, 2019 01:17 PM UTC

Hi Sunithra, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We have analyzed your query and prepared a sample based on it. Please find the below sample 

Query1: on checking a checkbox in a Grid select the row to delete the row 
We have invoked deleteRecord method in checkBoxChange  event of the Grid to achieve your requirement. You can delete the record by invoking deleteRecord method of the Grid. 

Query2: on clicking a row of the Grid redirect to another page 

We have achieved this requirement in rowSelecting event of the Grid. In that event we have opened the link for another page. 

Please get back to us if you need further assistance 


SU sunithra April 5, 2019 07:40 AM UTC


Thanks and Now it is working fine.



HJ Hariharan J V Syncfusion Team April 8, 2019 04:52 AM UTC

Hi Sunithra, 

Thanks for your update.  
We are happy to hear that the provided solution helped you.   
Please contact us if you need any further assistance. As always, we will be happy to assist you.   

SU sunithra April 24, 2019 09:20 AM UTC


(rowSelecting) = select(event) function is not working only in IPAD   

Regards ,


HJ Hariharan J V Syncfusion Team April 25, 2019 12:21 PM UTC

Hi sunithra, 

We have validated your query and tried to reproduce the reported issue with our end(chrome and safari browser tested). Please find the below details 

IPad version: 9.3.5(13G36) 
Model:  MC769HN/A 
Chrome version: 63.0.3239.73 

But it is unsuccessful and working in fine in our end. Could you please share the following details: 
1) share the full Grid code 
2) Share the EJ2 version details. 
3) Share the browser and IPad details. 
4) If possible, please reproduce the issue in our given sample. 

Please get back to us with the above details so that it will help us provide you a solution as early as possible. 


SU sunithra June 3, 2019 06:08 AM UTC


Everything is working fine onlything is onclicking anywhere in row except checkbox column the checkbox should not checked. 
we are showing a popup on selecting a row at that time the checkbox is checked
can you please help us to fix this
I have attached image with this kindly look at it
Thanks in advance



Attachment: screenshotlocalhost42002019.06.03112833.jpg_3f7d3eaa.zip

MS Manivel Sellamuthu Syncfusion Team June 5, 2019 06:12 AM UTC

Hi Sunithra, 

Thanks for your update. 

We have validated your requirement. You can prevent the rowselect by giving “args.cancel” as true in rowSelecting event of the Grid. 

Please find the below code snippet and sample for more information. 

<div class="control-section"> 
    <ejs-grid [dataSource]='data' allowPaging='true' [enableHover]="false" [allowSelection]="true" [selectionSettings]="selectOptions" (rowSelecting)="select($event)"
    . . . 
select (args) { 
        if(parentsUntil(args.target, 'e-row')&&!(parentsUntil(args.target as Element, 'e-gridchkbox'))){   //checking the target is checkbox column or not 
          args.cancel = true; 
        window.open("https://www.syncfusion.com", "_self"); 

Please get back to us if you need further assistance. 


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