how do I use the the remote data source properly?
If I use your example data (xml) fromhttps://js.syncfusion.com/demos/ejServices/Wcf/Northwind.svc
it works. But I have a json source which returns sth like this:
{"id":1,"parent_id":0,"name":"Test Folder","subChild":[
{"id":2,"parent_id":1,"name":"Child 1"},
{"id":3,"parent_id":1,"name":"Child 2","subChild":[
{"id":4,"parent_id":3,"name":"Child 3"}
{"id":5,"parent_id":0,"name":"User 2 Folder 1"},
{"id":6,"parent_id":0,"name":"User 2 Folder 2"}]
Do I have to wrap the response in a specific tag, if so what tag? Which Adaptor do I use? I thought that I should use the UrlAdaptor?
It should only be a single request on initialization. Everything else should be handled on the client side.
I wasn't able to find any helpful information in the docs.
Thanks in advance