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Stuck With Version (with bug) and Unable to Get License For Version With Fix

Hi all,

SfListView has a bug which made it quite unusable, but this was fixed in (please refer to this thread). My options for generating a license key stops at and jumps to 17.x, leaving me with no option but to use the buggy version (

How do I acquire a license key for the latest version available (

Note: I use the NuGet version of the component, of which the latest version available is

Thanks in advance!

1 Reply

VN Vadivel Natarajan Syncfusion Team March 25, 2019 06:40 AM UTC

Hi Aaron, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.  
You can use the v16.4.0.* license key in your application to register for v16.4.0.54 and v16.4.0.54 is a weekly NuGet publish release version. We are currently listing out the Syncfusion public release versions in our website for license key generation. We already logged this as a feature to include the weekly NuGet release version in the license key generation dropdown. 
Our license key works with version specific. During the license validation, the build number (Last digit, either 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 42, 53, or 54) will not consider. So, any 16.4.0.* license key will work for v16.4.0.42, v16.4.0.52, and v16.4.0.54.  
Please refer the following Knowledge Base article link for more information.  
Vadivel Natarajan  

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