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control not working on deployed application

i have this table and is working perfect in debug but when i deply this throws this error "zs.a.createInput is not a function"

<table class="table">
<th>Dependencia por defecto</th>
<th>Dependencia Efectiva</th>
<tr *ngFor="let row of dependenciaDimensiones">
<td><ejs-numerictextbox format='n2' [(value)]='row.dependenciaEfectiva'></ejs-numerictextbox></td>


1 Reply

CI Christopher Issac Sunder K Syncfusion Team March 25, 2019 12:39 PM UTC

Hi Gabriel, 

Greetings from Syncfusion!! 

We have checked with the provided code example and reported issue (“My code is working perfect in debug but when i deploy this throws this error "zs.a.createInput is not a function”) not reproduced at our end while deploying the sample. We have prepared the sample with the provided code snippet. Please check the below sample. 

Also, please ensure that node_modules are properly installed in your application. We suggest to delete the node_modules from your application and clear the cache by using “npm cache clean --force“ command and install the node_modules again by using “npm install” command. 

If you are still facing issues, please revert us with below mentioned details that will help us to check and provide the exact solution at our end. 
1. Product version 
2. Issue reproducing sample 


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