Is this fixed? I am adding new items to the datasource dynamically and they don't refresh unless I manually refresh the whole vue component which isn't ideal.
For your query, we would like to inform you that the issue has been resolved and for reference we attached a sample which explained that adding new records to datasource and reflect in UI without manual refresh. Refer sample and code snippet for more information.
Note: Sample used latest version of Gantt Chart 25.1.42.
<template> <button id="addRow" cssClass="e-info" v-on:click.native="add"> Add Row </button> </template>
add: function (e) { var ganttObj = document.getElementById('GanttContainer').ej2_instances[0]; var record = { TaskID: 9, TaskName: 'New record', StartDate: new Date('04/02/2019'), Duration: 3, Progress: 50, }; ganttObj.editModule.addRecord(record, 'Above', 0); }, }, |
Sample - Bxmina (forked) - StackBlitz
Documentation - Adding new tasks in Vue Gantt component | Syncfusion
If the issue still persists, kindly reproduce the issue in the given sample and revert it back to us.