I'm using a Spreadsheet control in an ASP.NET web forms project
Each time, when 'that' page loads, Exception is thrown.
In chrome dev tools, I can see that the exception is throwing from ej.spreadsheet.min.js line 43884 (Chrome {} version)
_refreshScroller: function(n, i, r) {
var c, s, l, h, b, k, a = 0, e = this.XLObj, n = e._getSheetIndex(n), o = e.getSheet(n), f = this._hScroller(n), y = o.columnWidth, p = o.rowHeight, u = this._vScroller(n), w = e.model.scrollSettings.scrollMode === t.Spreadsheet.scrollMode.Normal, d = e._getContent(n), g = d.find(".e-content")[0], v;
if (w && f && u && d.find("table").length && (this._refreshContHgt(n),
r = r === "horizontal" ? "all" : r),
f && (r === "all" || r === "horizontal")) {
if (c = g.offsetWidth,
s = e._getWidth(0, o.colCount - 1, n) - o._frozenWidth,
s < c + 2 * y && !w)
for (b = Math.floor((c + y * 5 - s) / y),
v = 0; v < b; v++)
this._createNewColumn(n, {
rowIndex: -1,
colIndex: -1
}, {
rowIndex: -1,
colIndex: -1
}, "insert"),
s = s + y;
f._scrollData.handleSpace = c - 2 * f.model.buttonSize;
a = e._isFrozen(e.getFrozenColumns()) ? e._getColOffsetLeft(o, e.getFrozenColumns()) - o._contScrollLeft : 0;
f._scrollData.handle = Math.floor((c - a) / s * f._scrollData.handleSpace);
f._scrollData.handle < 15 && (f._scrollData.handle = 15);
f._scrollData.scrollable = f.model.maximum = s - (c - a);
f._scrollData.onePx = f._scrollData.scrollable / (f._scrollData.handleSpace - f._scrollData.handle) || 1;
f.model.scrollLeft = f._scrollData.handleSpace - f._scrollData.handle
line if (c = g.offsetWidth, throws the error 'Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)'
This is the stack trace (or something like that) (I didn't made a HTML table here :-) )
_refreshScroller | @ | ScriptResource.axd?d…d85:formatted:43884 |
| _refreshContent | @ | ej.web.all.min.js:10 |
| refreshContent | @ | ej.web.all.min.js:10 |
| _renderSheet | @ | ej.web.all.min.js:10 |
| _initSheet | @ | ej.web.all.min.js:10 |
| _renderLayout | @ | ej.web.all.min.js:10 |
| _initLayout | @ | ej.web.all.min.js:10 |
| _initBase | @ | ej.web.all.min.js:10 |
| _init | @ | ej.web.all.min.js:10 |
| (anonymous) | @ | ej.web.all.min.js:10 |
| n.fn.(anonymous function) | @ | ScriptResource.axd?d…ffffffffb6a88d85:10 |
| (anonymous) | @ | ExamEdit:181 |
It is thrown twice every page load.
In visual studio, output was showing some exceptions,
Exception thrown: 'System.Web.HttpException' in System.Web.dll
It came from this void of System.web.dll :: System.Web.Handlers.AssemblyResourceLoader
/// <summary>For a description of this member, see <see cref="M:System.Web.IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(System.Web.HttpContext)" />.</summary>
/// <param name="context">The context of the request.</param>
/// <exception cref="T:System.Web.HttpException">The Web resource request is invalid.- or -The assembly name could not be found.- or -The resource name could not be found in the assembly.</exception>
// Token: 0x06001617 RID: 5655 RVA: 0x00044BDC File Offset: 0x00042DDC
void IHttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
Stream stream = null;
string text = null;
bool flag = false;
Exception exception = null;
NameValueCollection queryString = context.Request.QueryString;
string text2 = queryString["d"];
And about 100 more code lines
May be it doesn't make any sense, but it throws the exception
I'm referencing these from script manager. (Same error came when I tried including them in html. So, script manager is not doing anything wrong)
"Scripts\jsrender.min.js", //*
"Scripts\jquery.validate.min.js", //*
"Scripts\jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", //*
"Scripts\ej\common\ej.core.min.js", //*
"Scripts\ej\common\ej.data.min.js", //*
"Scripts\WebForms\WebForms.js", //*
"Scripts\ej\common\ej.scroller.min.js", //*
//* marks represents that I've tried removing and adding them.
Spreadsheet is having issues like not saving (Returning a byte[] of few hundreds of null values but nothing as model) and crazy server events. What files am I'm missing? I have intalled nuget package. Other controls like RTE, Grid and toolbars are working. Why not this?
The attached file is only the specific page and code behind (VB.NET). It wont be compilable as it has many references with others. Please check what is wrong. I've wasted so much days for this issue and I spent a whole night sneaking into system dlls to find who throws ex ! So please help me !!