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Customize In build Copy and Paste Function of Diagram nodes


How to Customize Diagram nodes copy and paste functions.If you have any demo sample of  this functionality in Winform.Please provide us demo sample or any custom changes required for this functionality please help us.

Thanks & Regards,

1 Reply

AR Aravind Ravi Syncfusion Team February 20, 2019 09:57 AM UTC

Hi Sumit, 
We have created a sample for how to customize the copy, paste functions. You can inherit the diagram controller class and override the copy function in it.  When perform copy in diagram the copy method will hit, in that method you can define your own logic. Please refer to the below code snippet for how to override copy method 
public class CustomDiagramController: DiagramController 
        public CustomDiagramController():base() 
        public CustomDiagramController(Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Diagram.View view) : base(view) 
        public override void Copy() 
            // Define your logic here 
We have attached a sample for your reference. Please find the sample in below link 
Aravind Ravi 

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