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Using Javascript to Set the Datasource for a Sparkline

I have a javascript interval that periodically changes (not refresh but completely change) the datasource for all controls on the page. I have a 3 sparklines that I need to change datasources for as well but I've yet to find an example of how to deal with them using javascript. Can you please help?

1 Reply

DD Dharanidharan Dharmasivam Syncfusion Team February 13, 2019 11:45 AM UTC

Hi Lance, 
Greetings from Syncfusion.  
We have analyzed the enquired requirement. We have prepared a sample in which we have updated the data source for every 3 seconds using setInterval method of Javascript method. Find the code snippet below to achieve this. 
function update() { 
        setInterval(function () { 
            Getting instance of chart 
            var spark1Obj = document.getElementById('spark1').ej2_instances[0], 
            Assigned data soruce 
            spark1Obj.dataSource = [{ xval: 'X1', yval: Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1 }, 
            Refreshed the sparkline using refresh method 
        }, 3000); 
Before Refreshing: 
After Refreshing: 
Here we have changed the data source alone. You can change this based on your scenario. Sample for reference can be found below. 

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