Hi Wolfgang,
Greetings from Syncfusion.
From this query, we found that you want to set the tabindex for input element and NumericTextBox. For the input element you can provide the tabindex directly in html tag like as following code snippet,
<input formControlName="OrderID" tabindex="2" data-msg-containerid='OrderIDError' id="OrderID" name="OrderID" type="text"> |
For NumericTextBox, we suggest to use created event of the NumericTextBox to provide the tabindex like as following code snippet,
<ejs-numerictextbox #numeric formControlName="Freight" (created)='onCreated($event)' id="Freight" placeholder="Freight" floatLabelType='Always'></ejs-numerictextbox>
export class DialogReactiveFormComponent implements OnInit {
@ViewChild('numeric') numeric: NumericTextBox;
this.numeric.element.setAttribute('tabindex', "1");
} |
If we misunderstood your query, please provide more details about your requirement for further assistance.
Pavithra S