I have noticed that the offset for Annotations in the SFDiagram has stopped working. I am using the latest version of the DLL's from Nuget v16.4.0.48.
The annotations now appear to ignore any offset and just put the annotation in the center.
The code I am using is as per the doc page https://help.syncfusion.com/wpf/sfdiagram/annotation?cs-save-lang=1&cs-lang=csharp
e.g. new AnnotationEditorViewModel()
Offset=new Point(.1,.1),
I have attached some sample code. I modified the Sequence Diagram sample code to use annotation offset, all the annotations should appear to the left but are showing in the center.
See line 140 in the main windows.xaml.cs where I have added the offset code.
This did work in eailer versions of the SfDiagram dll, but is now broken.
Any ideas?