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Multiple errors when using Member editor - paging in Member editor dialog of PivotClient.

I have detected multiple errors in the control when using the Member editor - paging and the Member editor dialog.

  1. When the list count is less than the member-editor-page-size value and I select an item composed of at least two words in the Member editor dialog, the control fails to render the results.
  2. If I enable the member-editor-sorting and then do the following, the control can render the results:
    Click ascending or descending sort buttons and then select an item composed with at least two words in the Member editor dialog.
  3. If I select items composed of one word in the Member editor dialog, the control can render the results.
  4. When the list count is greater than the member-editor-page-size value, and I click the ascending or descending buttons, the values composed of at least two words disappears.
I have attached a video that shows this behavoir.

Attachment: membereditorpagingerrors_8e68644a.zip

2 Replies

SA Scintilla Arul Jothi Raj Syncfusion Team December 5, 2018 05:50 AM UTC

Hi Eduardo, 

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. 

We have confirmed that “Filtering and sorting is not performed properly while member editor paging is enabled” is an issue and we have logged a defect report. The fix will be included in the Essential Studio Volume 4 release which is estimated to be available by the mid of December. 

Thanks for your patience until then. 

Scintilla A 

SA Scintilla Arul Jothi Raj Syncfusion Team December 18, 2018 11:25 AM UTC

Hi Eduardo, 
We are glad to announce that our Essential Studio 2018 Volume 4 Release v16.4.0.42 is rolled out and is available for download under the following link. 
We have included the fix for the issue-“Filtering and sorting is not performed properly while member editor paging is enabled” in this release. 
We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this release. Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance. 
Scintilla A 

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