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Is it possible to get save-progress events while saving PdfLoadedDocument?


As it is possible to listen for SaveProgress events while saving PdfDocument - how can I get saveprogress-events while saving PdfLoadedDocument?



3 Replies

DB Dilli Babu Nandha Gopal Syncfusion Team December 3, 2018 12:15 PM UTC

Hi Johannes,  
At present, we do support for SaveProgress event only in PdfDocument i.e., newly created document and don’t have support in PdfLoadedDocument i.e., existing document. We have logged a feature request and will implement this feature in any of our upcoming releases. The feature implementation would also greatly depend on the factors such as product design, code compatibility and complexity. We request you to visit our website periodically for feature related updates. 
Dilli babu. 

SK Surya Kumar Syncfusion Team July 1, 2019 06:31 AM UTC

Hi Johannes,  

We are glad to announce that the SaveProgress event for PdfLoadedDocument  is implemented and it is included in our Essential Studio 2019 Volume 2 Beta release v17.2.0.28.

Please download our latest Essential Studio 2019 Volume 2 Beta release v17.2.0.28 from the below link.

Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance.  

Surya Kumar  

SL Sowmiya Loganathan Syncfusion Team July 11, 2019 01:36 PM UTC

Hi Johannes,  
We are glad to announce that our Essential Studio 2019 Volume 2  release v17.2.0.34  is rolled out and is available for download under the following link.  
We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this release. Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance. 
Sowmiya L 

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