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CRUD Operation for DATE , DATE TIME and TIME Picker

Hi Team,

As per the documentation, I've tried the Date,Data Time , Time Picker in my project. Implementing the controls are good. But I need the following requirement

Need below in the MVVM Pattern.

1.      How to Get and Set the value of (Date , Date Time, Time )in the Entry(TextBox) for Both Add and Edit Mode.
2.      How to Get the Selected value for Save(Button) Click.

In the document, all the above controls are displayed while clicking the Button Event. and the selected values are not displayed or not set the value in the Text box. 

Kindly provide the sample application for above controls.



1 Reply

PA Paul Anderson S Syncfusion Team November 30, 2018 11:54 AM UTC

Hi AnandRaj,   
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
Queries: “How to Get and Set the value of (Date, Date Time, Time) in the Entry (TextBox) for Both Add and Edit Mode.” and “How to Get the Selected value for Save (Button) Click” 
For Get and Set the value - This can be achieved by using the SelectedItem property. We have prepared a sample by adding the text box and convert the SeletctedItem object type into string and set into the textbox Text property. 
For Get the Selected value for Save (Button) Click - By using a custom footer view for adding the button(save) and click the button we can print the selected value in the Label. Please check the sample from the following link 
Please let us know if you have any other concern. 
Paul Anderson 

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