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Exclude some dates from a recurrence rule


I want to exclude some dates from a recurrence appointment. I saw that on ASP.Net you can do it with "EXDATE". Is there something similar on WPF?


3 Replies

VR Vigneshkumar Ramasamy Syncfusion Team November 28, 2018 07:33 AM UTC

Hi Jon Ander 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We have checked your query with “I want to exclude some dates from a recurrence appointment.” And currently, schedule control doesn’t have support for setting the recurrence exceptions programmatically, but you can remove or modify the single recurrence appointment through default appointment editor. 
Please let us know if this helpful. 
Vigneshkumar R 

JA Jon Ander November 28, 2018 08:24 AM UTC

Hi Vigneshkumar,

Thanks for your answer. I know that I can remove or modify the single recurrence appointment through default appointment editor. But, I don't know how to save those changes in a data base. For example, If i remove a sinlge appointment from a serie, then I want to save those changes someware.


VR Vigneshkumar Ramasamy Syncfusion Team November 29, 2018 11:36 AM UTC

Hi Jon Ander 
Currently, schedule doesn’t support for storing recurrence exception in local data base. We have logged feature report for the same and We will implement this feature in any of our upcoming volume release.   
Vigneshkumar R 

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