I have the following combobox component
function runComboBoxCostElementDefault() {
let comboBoxObject = new ej.dropdowns.ComboBox({
dataSource: ej.data.DataUtil.parse.isJson(@Html.Raw(ViewBag.source)),
fields: {
text: "Id",
value: "Id"
// set the template content for list items
itemTemplate: ' ${Id}-${FirstName} ${LastName}',
htmlAttributes: {
name: "UserId"
value: 1,
allowCustom: false,
popupHeight: "230px",
zIndex: 9999
I want to search in the list FirstName and LastName and not only by Id.
Example, elements in list
1 - Mario Rossi
2 - Giorgio Bianchi
3 - Alex Verde
4 - Bob Giallo
I want to search with "Mario Rossi" (FisrtName and LastName) and not with "1". (Id)
Is it possible?