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problems with iOS verson of Segmented Control

Is anyone else having problems with SfSegmentedControl on iOS?
Is there a list of known issues somewhere? I looked around but cant find that list if it exists on syncfusion's website.

I'm on latest sfSegementControl
I also tried on iOS 12.x and 10.x
SfSegmentedControl works fine on Android and on UWP, but fails in iOS in following ways

  • It's usually in a Stack Pannel inside a Grid on my pages.

My issues are
  1. The segment control does not display the back color that is set
  2. Or at times i have seen it display the Botttom feature ( but the control is super high vertically with the bottom color indicating
The control seems to work if i click on it.. but i just cant tell which one was last clicked if i click around because the selection color is not showing.

Simple example code:

XAML used

       <buttons:SfSegmentedControl x:Name="Segment_UrgencyRating"    Grid.Row="0" 
                    BorderColor="Black" />

// and then C# in the .cs file.. 

Segment_UrgencyRating.ItemsSource = new List<string> { "Low", "Medium", "High", "Alert", "Phone" };
Segment_UrgencyRating.SelectionIndicatorSettings = selectionIndicatorSettings;

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