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hide upper border in the chart


I'd like to know if it is possible to hide the upper border , we dont like it because it overrides the top of the bars.
At the same time we dont want to put the maxim value to 120 (we dont want to let the user see "120%" as last value of Y)
 here a pic :

is it possible to hide only the top one of the border?
If not , as workaround is it possible to hide the last Y value(120 ) ? 
thank you


3 Replies

SK Sanjith Kesavan Syncfusion Team November 6, 2018 09:14 AM UTC

Hi Davide, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. We have analyzed your queries. To achieve your requirements, you can use the stacking column 100 series type. This will render y-axis labels up to 100. And use the below code to remove the upper border from the chart.  

chart.ChartAreaMargins = new ChartMargins(1, -1, 1, 1); 

In the above code, we have set ChartAreaMargins as (1, -1, 1, 1). This will set top value for chart’s margin as -1. And so top margin won’t render. Please find the output below. 

In the below link, we have attached sample for your reference.  
Sample link: chart-sample 

Please let us know if you have any concern. 


DA Davide Azzaroni November 6, 2018 10:18 AM UTC

thank you
it worked.


SK Sanjith Kesavan Syncfusion Team November 7, 2018 04:15 AM UTC

Hi Davide,

We are glad to hear that the provided solution is worked. Please let us know if you any queries on the chart.


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