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Multi-Line Edit in a GDBG

I posted this to Direct-Trac (11075) at noon yesterday and haven't received a reply yet. Has anyone else needed this functionality? How did you do it? What I am trying to do is allow the user to select mulitple rows in the grid and then click into one cell and then have the code loop through the range info and update all the selected rows. The problem I am running into is that unless the cell has a control in it, clicking on a cell unselects the rows and then selects the single row. Is there a property that I am missing that allows this functionality? I have ListBoxSelectionModeset to SelectionMode.MultiExtended.

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 12, 2004 11:19 AM UTC

If you do not want to lose the selections when you click into a selected cell, then you can subscribe to teh grid.Model.SelectionsChanging event and cancel it when this is the case.
//subscribe to the event somewhere
this.gridDataBoundGrid1.Model.SelectionChanging += new GridSelectionChangingEventHandler(Model_SelectionChanging);

//the handler
private void Model_SelectionChanging(object sender, GridSelectionChangingEventArgs e)
			e.Cancel = true;

KJ Kenneth Johnson May 12, 2004 11:37 AM UTC

Thanks for the speedy reply Clay. Whoever gets the Direct-Trac requests should take some notes. There is still no response there.

KJ Kenneth Johnson May 12, 2004 06:02 PM UTC

Your solution does exactly what I need. Thanks.

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