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Hello, I got an exception when binding datasource at runtime. Actually, my table DF_CleansingSelection has column "CleansingParameter_ID" :(
System.ArgumentException: Column ''CleansingParameter_ID'' does not belong to table DF_CleansingSelection.
at System.Data.DataRow.CheckColumn(DataColumn column)
at System.Data.DataRowView.GetColumnValue(DataColumn column)
at System.Data.DataColumnPropertyDescriptor.GetValue(Object component)
at Syncfusion.Grouping.Record.UpdateSortInfo(Boolean isSorted, SortColumnDescriptor[] arrayOfColumnDescriptors, PropertyDescriptor[] arrayOfPropertyDescriptor)
at Syncfusion.Grouping.Table.InitUnsortedRecords()
at Syncfusion.Grouping.Table.CategorizeElements()
at Syncfusion.Grouping.Table.CategorizeElements()
at Syncfusion.Grouping.Table.OnEnsureInitialized(Object sender)
at Syncfusion.Grouping.Element.EnsureInitialized(Object sender, Boolean notifyParent)
at Syncfusion.Grouping.Table.EnsureInitialized(Object sender, Boolean notifyParent)
at Syncfusion.Grouping.Table.get_TopLevelGroup()
at Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping.GridTableControl.InternalGetFrozenRows()
at Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridControlBase.Initialize()
at Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping.GridTableControl.Initialize()
at Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping.GridGroupingControl.f_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
ADAdministrator Syncfusion Team May 12, 2004 05:19 AM UTC
To bind at runtime, normally it is suffiecient to set the gridGroupingControl1.DataSource (amd maybe DataMember). The call stack suggests you are an Initialize() call when this error occurs. Have you tried removing this call?
Also, the error suggest it cannot find this column, CleansingParameter_ID. You might check the ColumnName for that column to make sure it is exactly CleansingParameter_ID as it is case sensitive.
What version are you using? You might try the update if you are not using it.