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Adjusting border width for Office2007 visual style


When I use DockingManager with Office2007 visual style and make panel floating, I see that border suddenly becomes thicker than when it was docked. This is especially apparaent when you set Black theme color - you will see inner black border and outer blue border.

Is it possible to modify border width so it looks more consistent between docked and floating states?

3 Replies

SM Subashini Mahendran Syncfusion Team October 6, 2017 11:06 AM UTC

Hi Marcin Kurowski,

Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support.

We have checked your query "It is possible to modify the Border width of FloatWindow in Office2007 theme of DockingManager". Currently, we have support only for Metro theme to customize the FloatWindow Border width in DockingManager. By using MetroBorderWidth property of DockingManager, we can customize the Border width of FloatWindow for Metro theme. We have prepared the sample for the same and you can download it from the below link.

Sample: BorderCustomization_Sample 
But, we do not have this support in Office2007 or other themes of DockingManager. Could you please confirm us whether you are asking the same support to customize the Border width of FloatWindow in other themes of DockingManager like in Metro theme. This would help us to proceed further.

Subashini M.

MK MARCIN KUROWSKI October 9, 2017 02:20 PM UTC


I attach sample code to show my issue.

When I set appearance to Office 2007 style, border for dockable panels looks very differently when it's floating compared to when it's docked. I want them to look consistently in both states.

Attachment: Border_dockable_9ab37ac.zip

SM Subashini Mahendran Syncfusion Team October 10, 2017 11:31 AM UTC

Hi Marcin Kurowski,

We were able to reproduce the reported issue "FloatWindow Border width and color is different when compared to DockWindow in Office2007Black style of DockingManager" in version. But we have fixed the reported issue in later version(From Can you please upgrade your Syncfusion Essential Studio to later version.

Subashini M.

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