<script id="testtemplate" type="text/x-jsrender">
<div style="width:100%;height:100%;"><div style="display: inline-block;white-space: nowrap;">{{:Subject}}</div><div id="apptime">{{:~apptime(StartTime, EndTime)}}</div>{{:TestField}}</br>HELLO</div>
it shows the full height of the appointment if i dont have too many resources for the size of the scheduler. if i have more resources the appointments get smaller and smaller in height. I would expect the height of the appointment to stay the same no matter how mane resources i add to the calendar
now if i set the same template but as a string
var templatetext = '<div style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"><div style="display: inline-block;white-space: nowrap;">{{:Subject}}</div><div id="apptime">{{:~apptime(StartTime, EndTime)}}</div>{{:TestField}}</br></div>';
width: "100%",
height: "400px",
currentDate: new Date(2015, 04, 05),
orientation: "horizontal",
group: {
resources: ["Workers","Clients"]
appointmentTemplateId: templatetext,
the height of the appointments is always just one line and i cant get them to be any taller
thanks but cellheight is not working with the template as a string as in the attached sample