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Starting in 2019, the Reporting control is no longer included in Essential Studio. If you're experiencing issues with the Syncfusion Reporting Platform, Report Viewer, Report Designer, or Report Writer, we recommend migrating to Bold Reports, our dedicated reporting platform.

Bold Reports offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features for all your reporting needs, and we will help you make a smooth transition from the discontinued control. Our support team at https://support.boldreports.com/ is here to assist you with any questions or difficulties you may encounter during the migration process.

We thank you for choosing Syncfusion and appreciate your understanding.

Forms ElementHost host WPF - how to print: directly to the printer

I've developed Forms
 ElementHost host = new ElementHost();
 a app that generates an rdlc report it works well however.

1.Can you speed up window display? (form10 -  18s and Form2 -5s)
It is too long now.
2. how to print: directly to the printer - (do not open the reportViewerControl)

 i'm trying to print the report directly to a default printer without using the print form2.
, can anyone help,


Attachment: test_ReportDesigner002_387adc51583840917_e259d718.rar

5 Replies

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team September 26, 2017 12:24 PM UTC

Hi Gregory, 

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion Components. 

.Can you speed up window display? (form10 -  18s and Form2 -5s)
It is too long now. 
To show the form window immediately after the button click, use “Form.Shown” event instead of “Form.Loaded” event.  We have modified your sample based on this. Also, please refer the below MSDN documentation for more details. 

how to print: directly to the printer - (do not open the reportViewerControl)

 i'm trying to print the report directly to a default printer without using the print form2.
, can anyone help, 
You can print the reports without viewing using our ReportWriter, it  supports to export report into PDF document and that can be loaded to the PdfViewer for printing as shown in the below code snippet. We have included this code in “Button3” click event. 
string reportPath = @"../../Report1.rdlc"; 
reportWriter.ReportPath = reportPath; 
reportWriter.ReportProcessingMode = Syncfusion.ReportWriter.ProcessingMode.Local; 
reportWriter.DataSources.Add(new Syncfusion.Windows.Reports.ReportDataSource { Name = "DataSet1", Value = this.productBindingSource3 }); 
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); 
reportWriter.Save(stream, WriterFormat.PDF); 
PdfDocumentView pdfViewer = new PdfDocumentView(); 
System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog printDialog = new System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog(); 
if ((bool)printDialog.ShowDialog()) 
printDialog.PrintDocument(pdfViewer.PrintDocument.DocumentPaginator, "PDF PRINTER"); 
We have modified your sample based on this and please find the sample from the below location. 

Vinoth S. 

GP Gregory Pe replied to Vinoth Srinivasan September 26, 2017 07:36 PM UTC

Hi Gregory, 

Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion Components. 

.Can you speed up window display? (form10 -  18s and Form2 -5s)
It is too long now. 
To show the form window immediately after the button click, use “Form.Shown” event instead of “Form.Loaded” event.  We have modified your sample based on this. Also, please refer the below MSDN documentation for more details. 

how to print: directly to the printer - (do not open the reportViewerControl)

 i'm trying to print the report directly to a default printer without using the print form2.
, can anyone help, 
You can print the reports without viewing using our ReportWriter, it  supports to export report into PDF document and that can be loaded to the PdfViewer for printing as shown in the below code snippet. We have included this code in “Button3” click event. 
string reportPath = @"../../Report1.rdlc"; 
reportWriter.ReportPath = reportPath; 
reportWriter.ReportProcessingMode = Syncfusion.ReportWriter.ProcessingMode.Local; 
reportWriter.DataSources.Add(new Syncfusion.Windows.Reports.ReportDataSource { Name = "DataSet1", Value = this.productBindingSource3 }); 
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); 
reportWriter.Save(stream, WriterFormat.PDF); 
PdfDocumentView pdfViewer = new PdfDocumentView(); 
System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog printDialog = new System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog(); 
if ((bool)printDialog.ShowDialog()) 
printDialog.PrintDocument(pdfViewer.PrintDocument.DocumentPaginator, "PDF PRINTER"); 
We have modified your sample based on this and please find the sample from the below location. 

Vinoth S. 

Hi Vinoth
Thank you for your answer.
1. Form.Shown -it's faster. But can you still accelerate the second stage of file opening  Modified.rdlc

VS Vinoth Srinivasan Syncfusion Team September 29, 2017 12:42 PM UTC

Hi Gregory, 
The loading delay occurred due to serialization and de-serialization codes used in your application before opening a report in our report designer. Also, you have customized the image of our report designer report items in ribbon, so it takes time to load the report completely. Can you perform serialization of report in different event or in control loaded event and open the report to reduce the delay. 

Vinoth S. 

GP Gregory Pe September 30, 2017 06:03 AM UTC

Hi Vinoth
but how to do it


VR Vijay Raja Syncfusion Team October 2, 2017 01:11 PM UTC

Hi Gregory, 
We have reduced the time delay by calling the report serialization function in report designer control loaded event. As per the suggestion we have modified the sample and it will be available from the below download location. 
Vijay R. 

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